Opening and looking at blank Excel worksheets in an Excel workbook.

  1. Press and hold down the Windows key and tap the letter r, or just hit the Windows (Start) key one time.
  2. Release both keys if you used the Windows key r (run command).
  3. Type excel
  4. Tap enter one time.
  5. You are in an excel workbook, that has three worksheets (Excel 2013 opens up with just one worksheet).  Go from worksheet one to worksheet two by pressing and holding down the control key and tapping the page down key one time.  Go to worksheet three by pressing and holding down the control key and tapping the page down key one time.  Go back to worksheet one by pressing and holding down the control key and tapping the page up key two times.
  6. On each Excel worksheet, there are columns and rows:  Columns go up and down the page, and are labeled by alphabet letters.  For example, there is column A, column B, and so on.  Rows go left to right, and are labeled by numbers.  For example, there is row 1, below that is row 2, and so on.
  7. Press control home and you will be in cell a1.
  8. Tap the enter key one time and you will be in cell a2; notice that when you tap enter you go down the page.
  9. Press control home to go to cell a1.
  10. Tap the tab key one time and you will be in cell b1; notice that when you tap the tab key you move to the right.
  11. Press and hold down the shift key and tap the tab key one time and you will be back in cell a1; notice that shift tab moves you to the left or backwards.
  12. Press control home to make sure you are in cell a1.
  13. Tap the down arrow key one time and you will be in cell a2.
  14. Tap the up arrow key one time and you will be back in cell a1.
  15. Tap the right arrow key one time and you will be in cell b1.
  16. Tap the left arrow key one time and you will be in cell a1.
  17. Press and hold down the control key and tap the letter g one time.
  18. Release both keys.
  19. Type c5
  20. Tap enter.
  21. You have just used the “goto” command to go to cell c5.
  22. Type dog
  23. Press control home to go back to cell a1.
  24. Press and hold down the control key and tap the letter f.
  25. Release both keys.
  26. Type dog.
  27. Tap enter.
  28. Tap escape.
  29. You have just used the “find” command sequence to find the word “dog,” which is in cell c5.
  30. Press control g.
  31. Type a1
  32. Tap enter and you will be back in cell a1.
  33. Press control g.
  34. Type f5
  35. Tap enter.
  36. You are in cell f5.
  37. Tap the Home key (all by itself).
  38. You are now in cell f1; when you tap just the home key, you are taken to the beginning of the row you are on.
  39. Press control home to go back to cell a1.

Assignment:  Open Excel.  In cell a1 write your name.  In cell a2 write the date.  In cell a4 write Candy.  In cell a5 write Chips.  In cell a6 write Pop.  In cell b4 write $1.00.  In cell b5 write $.75.  In cell b6 write $1.25.  Save the Excel file as Small Step Assignment One.  Print out 2 copies and give one to the teacher, and keep the other one.

Did you notice:  Your words/text was left aligned, and your numbers were right aligned?  Words or text are considered as labels by Excel, and are automatically left aligned, unless you specify differently.  Numbers are considered data by Excel, and are right aligned for the purpose of place value.